09.05.2019 – 14:59, Bundespolizeidirektion Flughafen Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt/Main (ots)
Today in the morning several pilots have sighted a drone at the airport in Frankfurt, which caused a local temporary closure of the whole air traffic by the German Air Traffic Service.
As a result of that incident the local air traffic was stopped between 7:21 a.m. until 8:18 a.m due to safety reasons. Immediately, all involved security services and security partners at the airport started comprehensive countermeasures to detect the drone - they are still running, partially. The Federal and State Police, the Customs and as well as the Security service of the Fraport have undertaken efforts to locate and detect the drone and it's operator. The procedures were supported by a helicopter of the State Police of Hesse.
However, no drone could be detected in the area of the airport by all the above mentioned forces. In close cooperation with the German Air Traffic Service, the State Police and all involved security partners, the air traffic was released at 8:18 a.m., due to the fact that there wasn't a threat concerning the aviation security any longer.
A significant number of restrictions for all operations at Frankfurt airport and the air traffic were the results of that necessary local shutdown of the air traffic.
The investigations concerning the relevant facts of this incident are still running. A charge against a person unknown was initiated by the State Police of Hesse.
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Bundespolizeidirektion Flughafen Frankfurt am Main
Reza Ahmari
Telefon: 069 3400-4010
Mobil: 0172/5679084
E-Mail: presse.flughafen.fra@polizei.bund.de